April 24 – Myrtle Beach Pelicans Star Wars Night (Myrtle Beach, SC)

Members of the Carolina Garrison invaded Myrtle Beach on Friday, March 24, 2015 for “Star Wars Night” at the Myrtle Beach Pelicans baseball game. We even found a few pesky Jedi along the way, which we joined forces with temporarily, to entertain the crowd. We escorted folks out to the mound to have them throw out the first pitch, lined up with the team for the National Anthem, and then proceeded to mingle with the fans throughout the game, taking pictures and signing “autographs”. It was a great time, and we had a fantastic turnout.

We also had the honor of presenting Nick Dewsnap, a retired military veteran and Horry County police officer, with a “Thank You For Your Service” Challenge Coin while at the game. Nick also provided the Garrison with professional photos during the evening out of his love for the 501st Legion and what we do.

Troopers Attending:
Jerry Sienkiewicz – ROTS Vader
Al de Lachica – Jedi (RL)
Chad Varn – Jedi (RL)
Cher Lambeth. – ANH Leia (RL)
Jason Boyd – Sandtrooper
Chris Gould – Biker Scout
Brad Lee – Tie Pilot
Greg French – Sandtrooper
Dave Carta – Tusken Raider
Brandy Carta – Jawa

Jeff Miller – (TD approval pending)
Nick Dewsnap – Photographer


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