Sept 27 Hickory-Con Hickory, NC

Hickory Con Fall 2014 September 27th

Hickory Con is a one day con featuring artist, comic and sci-fi vendors, and hosts large card game tournaments. The CG has been participating in this event since September of 2006 twice a year (Spring and Fall). This was one of the largest Cons they have had with over 650 paying attendees (which was around 2pm so many more could have come through the doors) At 2pm Jesse, Cher, and I judged the costuming contest, where there were some amazing costumes in attendance.

Troopers in attendance

Tom Gardner – Tusken
Mike Johnson – TK Commander
Ken Jordan – Watch the table and wrangled
Jesse Martin – TX
Jackson Stull – TK

MAW donations – $55

You can find all the pictures from the con here:


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