Oct. 10 – 4th Annual Star Wars Reads Day (Charleston, SC)

This was the fourth Star Wars Reads Day but the 3rd year in a row that we teamed up with the Charleston County Library (Main Branch) to celebrate this year’s festivities. According to the turnstile count from the time SWRD took place (11am – 2pm), the count was 1,123 people through the turnstile. That’s insane. We also setup Chris Gould’s Death Star wall backdrop

The day began by setting up a great display with lots of SWRD activity pages, trading cards, 501st Legion literature and more. As soon as the SWRD festivities began, we were swarmed by many enthusiastic Star Wars fans. Around 11:30 am they held a costume contest (with prizes in 3 categories – under 11, 12-18 and over 18).

Some other events that took place included:
11:00am – Musical performance of Star Wars songs performed by the Charleston Symphony Orchestra Woodwind section
12:00pm – Star Wars story time
1:00pm – Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie showing
Star Wars crafts
Star Wars-themed snacks
Lightsaber building….and so much more

And of course, the Galactic Meet-n-Greet with members from the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion and R2 Builders.

501st Troopers in Attendance:
1. Jason Boyd (Sandtrooper)
2. Chris Gould (Biker Scout)
3. Ronnie Boyd (TIE Pilot)
4. Caroline Boyd (Imperial Officer)
5. Stuart Eaker (Imperial Gunner)
6. Rusty Myers (ESB Stormtrooper)
7. Jon Myers (ESB Stormtrooper)

Crossover Attendees from the Rebel Legion/Droid Builders:
1. Edward Reed (R2D2 / R2 Builders Club / Friend of the Garrison)
2. Jeffrey Lewis (ESB Han Solo / Blue Ridge Base – Rebel Legion)
3. Chad Varn (Jedi / Blue Ridge Base – Rebel Legion)
4. Brad Butler (X-Wing Pilot / Graveyard Squadron CO – Blue Ridge Base – Rebel Legion)


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